elica tabakova

born in momchilgrad | bulgaria studied architecture at the university of hannover | germany obtained an erasmus scholarship in sevilla | spain and earned her diploma in june 2011. she subsequently held a teaching assignment at the department of painting and graphics in hannover and since 2019 at the department of architecture and design in constance | germany.

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„…They are not easy to grasp, they are fleeting, spontaneous and characterized by a strong passion for the momentary. In her drawings, what is pictured seems to withdraw, runs over the edge of the picture, and disappears again the moment it is captured on paper. The main actor in her work is the line, sometimes bold and space-consuming, sometimes vibrant, sometimes delicate, and fragile. Playing with a wide variety of techniques and materials: Whether with charcoal, ink, water-soluble pencils, or fine liner, just anything that allows expressive, spontaneous gestures, the artist approaches the depicted, captures its essence without disenchanting it…“

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